
The Goathouse Refuge has many incredible cats in need of loving homes.

Behind the Scene

Special Stories of Special Cats Your Support Helps


Tax deductible donations and gifts of goods to help run the refuge are always welcome.

Remember the Goathouse Refuge this Giving Tuesday

Happy end of Thanksgiving Weekend! Will you join us for Global Giving?

We have much to be thankful for, and have spent this last Thanksgiving weekend reflecting again on that at the Goathouse. We are thankful we are able to make life better, and in some cases, much longer, for the cats we take in and care for at the Goathouse. We are thankful the cats are free to roam in their enclosure –and to be able to come in from the cold for a cozy, dry bed, healthy food and a chance at a forever home of their own.

I am incredibly thankful for you – our donors, volunteers, sponsors and helpers – in a million ways, who are helping me and the rest of our team at The Goathouse Refuge to sustain the Goathouse – not just as a dream of a better place, but an actual operating, functioning haven for so many needy animals. Many of you have helped us achieve a recent goal of our $10K matching grant on our webpage. These funds have helped us address some of the most pressing medical/dental needs and purchase more food, but the needs continue, so we continue to reach out.

I hope that if you have the opportunity to do so, you will remember us on Giving Tuesday, November 29, when around the world, caring people seek to balance Black Friday and Cyber Monday with another drive – the drive to help Charitable Organizations meet and further their goals by recognizing the ongoing funding needs in this Season of Giving. If you have already reached out and supported us in your way, we truly thank you!

If you want to buck, or balance, the commercial events of Friday and Monday  them vote with your check book, credit card and heart to help the world be a better place for kitties in need, and donate to The Goathouse Refuge. If you can use this opportunity to sign up as a Sustainer and give a monthly amount that fits within your budget, you automatically help us smooth out the operational funds, because it gives us some comfort in our budgeting. This is a wonderful way to support us year round and only requires you to sign up once.
For information about Giving Tuesday, go to:

To Donate to The Goathouse Refuge now, or to find out how to become a Sustainer, go to


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